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<div class="frame"> <div class="wrap"> <img src='images/frog.jpg' alt='' /> <div> <b></b> <span> <h1>Red Eye Frog</h1> <p>Red-eyed tree frogs, as their name states, have bold red eyes with vertically narrowed pupils, a vibrant green body with yellow and blue striped sides, and orange toes. There is a great deal of regional variation in flank and thigh coloration.</p> <p>Although it has been suggested that A. callidryas' bright colors function as aposematic or sexual signals, neither of these hypotheses have been confirmed.</p> <a href="#">more information...</a> </span> </div> </div> </div>有多少张图片就加入多少个上面的代码,其中,h1是标题,p是描述内容,a链接是该图片的文章地址。