flutter Provide状态管理有点类似于Vuex,当从一个页面更改了数据,期望影响其他页面,那么Provide方法是不二之选。这里简单理下我爱模板网在使用flutter时的用法: 1、添加依赖 在 pubspe
我爱模板网将flutter升级了,然后出现了问题,需要 将flutter项目升级到AndroidX ,但是,在运行flutter run时,还是出了问题: The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.3.0 and
今天,我爱模板网将flutter升级了,然后运行flutter run,报错了: Please migrate your app to AndroidX 意思应该是要将项目升级到Android X,下面是升级方法,亲测,可行: 1、将您的Android Studio更新
运行flutter doctor和 flutter upgrade,出现下面的提示: The term 'Unblock-File' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, veri
Flutter RaisedButton可以设置圆角和边框,都在shape中设置,边框和Container等常规的边框设置略有差异: