<input type="file" name="file" webkitdirectory @change="onPickDirectory($event)"> onPickDirectory(e) { const that = this; that.loading2 = true that.loading2Text = '正在加载文件,请稍后...' worker.postMessage(e); var worker = new Worker('work.js'); worker.onmessage = function (event) { that.fileList = event.data; that.loading2 = false that.loading2Text = '' //结束 worker.terminate(); } },运行起来报错:
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': could not be cloned.
意思是发送给子线程的数据不能被克隆,下面是百度来的Web Worker几个使用注意点:
分配给 Worker 线程运行的脚本文件,必须与主线程的脚本文件同源。
(2)DOM 限制
Worker 线程所在的全局对象,与主线程不一样,无法读取主线程所在网页的 DOM 对象,也无法使用document、window、parent这些对象。但是,Worker 线程可以navigator对象和location对象。
Worker 线程和主线程不在同一个上下文环境,它们不能直接通信,必须通过消息完成。
Worker 线程不能执行alert()方法和confirm()方法,但可以使用 XMLHttpRequest 对象发出 AJAX 请求。
Worker 线程无法读取本地文件,即不能打开本机的文件系统(file://),它所加载的脚本,必须来自网络。
onPickDirectory(e) { const that = this; that.loading2 = true that.loading2Text = '正在加载文件,请稍后...' that.scaned = false var worker = new Worker('work.js'); const files = e.target.files worker.postMessage(files); worker.onmessage = function (event) { that.fileList = event.data; that.loading2 = false that.loading2Text = '' //结束 worker.terminate(); } },work.js代码:
self.addEventListener('message', function (e) { const files = e.data; const temp = [] for (const i in files) { const curFile = {} if (!files[i].name || !files[i].webkitRelativePath) continue curFile.file = files[i] // 存储的源文件对象,用来上传 curFile.name = files[i].name.substring(0, files[i].name.lastIndexOf('.')) curFile.webkitRelativePath = files[i].webkitRelativePath curFile.size = calcSize(files[i].size) curFile.type = files[i].name.split('.')[files[i].name.split('.').length - 1] curFile.lastModified = timeStamp2Date(files[i].lastModified) temp.push(curFile) } self.postMessage(temp); self.close(); }, false);